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Granville Boys High School

Granville Boys High School

Aiming for Excellence

Telephone02 9637 0489

Neuranext A.I. Discovery incursion

Neuranext A.I. Discovery incursion at Granville Boys High School.

Neuranext hosted a highly engaging experiential learning program at an A.I. Discovery incursion held across two day, Thursday 20 June and Friday 21 June. During this event, Year 7 and 8 Selective and Enrichment STEAM, Year 9 and 10 iSTEM and the Support Robotics Team (comprising 10 support students) participated in live A.I. demonstrations.

The program featured computer vision tasks such as object detection, human pose estimation, and self-driving car applications. Additionally, attendees witnessed the latest advancements in powered quadruped robotics.