Workplace learning includes work experience for students who are at least 14, as well as work placement for students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects.
Workplace learning programs form part of the NSW secondary school curriculum. They enable students to spend a planned period of time in a workplace of their choice, enhancing their classroom learning, informing their career choices and building their industry skills.
Guides and forms
View and download guides and forms for Workplace learning and student safety. The guides and forms link includes the following documents:
- Student placement records
- Guides - guides and additional information for employers, parents and carers.
- Safety cards
- Travel form - for students travelling with an employer to and from work and work sites.
- Translated workplace learning information for parents
Transition Program
The Transition Program allows students in Year 9 to 10 to gain experience in the working world whilst still at school. Students work one to two days and are at school three to four days. This program can go for a few weeks, a term or longer and caters to those students looking at transitioning from school to work. The Transition Program is not to be confused with work experience.
Work Experience Program
Year 10 students participate in the Work Experience Program in Term 4 for two weeks. The two week program allows students to gain experience in the working world and to tryout different career options. Students generally gain part time work from this program.
Extra-curriculuar activities
- White card Star Training Academy student enrolment application
- Productivity Bootcamp - a concentrated 8-week program, giving young people the construction skills and work values needed to succeed in the industry, with hands-on experience in many trades. Find out more
Educational Pathway Program
The Educational Pathways Program is designed to improve higher education and career outcomes for young people in Year 10 to Year 11 through their many intiatives including:
- Start Your Future - job tasters for a term including barbering, brick laying, butchery, aviation, plumbing, electrotechnoloy, carpentry, painting and decorating, automotive-mechanical/electrical, just to name a few.
- Pre-apprenticeship courses - plumbing, carpentry and automotive.
- Job readiness workshops
- Back in the Game
See the Career and Transition Adviser for more information.