06 Sep 2023

Congratulations Granville Boys High School for receiving two awards at the NSW Minister's and Secretary's Awards for Excellence 2023 that took place at Sydney Town Hall on Tuesday 5 September. What an outstanding achievement!
Minister’s Award for Excellence in Teaching - Fiona Donnelly, Granville Boys High School
The first was the Minister’s Award for Excellence in Teaching awarded to our Head Teacher Innovation, Teaching and Learning and Robotics Coordinator Ms Donnelly by Prue Car, Deputy Premier of NSW, Minister for Education and Early Learning.
'Fiona Donnelly has excelled in improving the learning, engagement and academic outcomes of students at Granville Boys High School. Her professional practice in leading the introduction of robotics at our school has had a lasting and visible impact on the school as well as the entire community. Her commitment to public education and our students is outstanding, and has led to an increase in student participation and achievement in practical courses. Fiona has also sought to improve her practice by engaging with industry experts, a mark of a truly excellent teacher.'
Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative - Robotics, Granville Boys High School
The second was the Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative for Robotics, awarded to our Principal Mr Dixon by Murat Dizdar, NSW Department of Education Secretary.
'The Robotics program at Granville Boys High School has been a tremendously successful initiative at our school. It has improved student engagement, learning outcomes, retention and academic success.
'Furthermore, the successes of the initiative have enhanced community connections with the school and helped position Granville Boys High School as an outstanding public school, leading innovation in teaching and learning. The student achievements borne out of this initiative have given our students and school community an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. It is for these reasons Granville Boys High School's Robotics initiative is a worthy recipient of this award.'