Granville Boys High School

Aiming for Excellence

Telephone02 9637 0489

Five students get band 6 in Acceleration Advanced Mathematics

5 students receive band 6 in HSC ATAR results

Five Granville Boys High School Year 11 students in Acceleration Advanced Mathematics received a band 6 in the 2023 HSC ATAR results. 

Well done to the following boys for their brilliant results:

  • Donovan Korosaya
  • Shuriya Sinnathurai
  • Ahmad Mahmood
  • Ali Zraika
  • Abdullah Nur

Standing proud with them is the Head Teacher of Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics Teacher Mrs Khan. Mrs. Khan's diligent efforts and unwavering commitment are the reasons behind these outstanding results. The boys' accomplishments can be attributed to her expertise and high-quality teaching.