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Granville Boys High School

Granville Boys High School

Aiming for Excellence

Telephone02 9637 0489

Ramses & The Gold of the Pharaohs at Australian Museum

Granville Boys High School Ancient History excursion to Australian Museum.

Last month, Year 11 Ancient History students went to the Australian Museum in Sydney to visit the exclusive "Ramses & The Gold of the Pharaohs" exhibition.

During this once-in-a-lifetime exhibition that features 182 priceless artefacts, the boys learned about the life and 67-year rule of the Egyptian pharaoh, Ramses II (also known as Ramses the Great) and his impact on ancient Egyptian culture and society. This gave students an early look at the upcoming Stage 6 topic, Power & Image in Ancient Egypt, which they will be studying as a part of their Preliminary course in Ancient History.